Client Spotlight: Twin Valley School District


2020 District Profile

from the October 2020 Reading Eagle

The reopening of school for the 2020-21 year has been unusual and challenging, to say the least.

Typically during the summer, the administration is preparing class rosters and getting ready for students to return to school. Teachers are organizing lessons and decorating classrooms to create a welcoming atmosphere.

But this year, we were creating a Health and Safety Plan outlining the methods of instruction that we would need to employ in response to the ever-changing guidance and recommendations related to the global pandemic.

This summer we prepared our opening around various instructional methods that would improve students’ overall experiences for the 2020-2021 school year and keep them safe, because we understood that the spring closure was difficult for students, parents and the community as we all became cyber learners.

School districts had to balance providing the best educational experience with the health, safety and emotional needs of students and staff during these unprecedented times.

Basically, each of the 500 school districts made a decision to choose one of three educational models to meet those needs. Districts took into consideration their individual communities, parents’ wants and needs, physical layouts of their buildings and the technology available to them in the decision-making process.

As of late September, 35% of the districts had chosen to carry out face-to-face instruction. That means students come to school every day, Monday through Friday, for a full school day.

Schools that offered this option worked diligently to provide physical distancing to the maximum extent possible. In order to accomplish this and maximize social distancing, many districts rearranged classrooms and removed unnecessary furnishings such as area rugs, rocking chairs and large tables to make room for individual desks.

Schools keep students 6 feet apart during lunches, utilizing alternative spaces such as gyms and auditoriums so students could remove their masks and maintain a 6-foot distance from others.

A hybrid plan is being utilized by 40% of the districts and includes multiple designs to deliver instruction. The plans vary from students being in school every other week to students being in class half the day Monday through Friday.

When students are not in class, they receive instruction from online learning platforms through their districts. Hybrid plans vary from district to district, but the one consistent component in every model is that students are divided; therefore, it lessens the number of students in the building at any given time.

The third method, utilized by 25% of the districts, is full online instruction. Buildings are closed to students, who receive instruction remotely. Districts that utilize this method are to notify students’ families if and when they move to a different method of instruction so that plans can be made accordingly.

At Twin Valley, we based our reopening decision on feedback that we received from our community. We surveyed the community to determine their preference on which model they would prefer. Teachers were also surveyed to determine their needs, and feedback was solicited through faculty meetings.

By far, the majority of parents chose in-person instruction for their children. Students who preferred the classroom experience but did not want to be on-site chose our live-streaming option, which provided them with the opportunity to interact with their teachers and peers while receiving the same content as in-person students. Classrooms were equipped with the technology and video ability to live-stream the classroom to students.

Students who did not want to attend in-person or via live stream were able to register for our Twin Valley Virtual Academy. It provides a full online experience for our students and allows them to be involved in all Twin Valley extracurricular activities and sports.

We are extremely proud of our school reopening. Students have been outstanding with their behavior and understanding of the limitations and new procedures they need to follow, including social distancing and the wearing of face coverings.

Our staff’s commitment to our students and community is evident every day through their quality of instruction to our students in the classroom and live streaming.

Our administration and teachers have devised creative ways to provide a sense of normalcy throughout the day such as the opportunity for students to enjoy a mask break while walking around the school grounds.

We will continue to learn and work together to provide a positive educational experience for our students. This process is the beginning of a conversation on how education can evolve for staff and students in the future.

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